Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 5 - Vienna, Austria

Today we toured Vienna, Austria. Our hostel was supposed to come with breakfast this morning. We hung around for it it start and learned that breakfast consists of toast, butter, marmalade, coffee and tea. That sounds like a really long way to say there's no breakfast! So, we went around the corner and bought some stuff for breakfast. We walked around Vienna the first half of the day, but it seems like a town that is only for those REALLY into the opera or a myriad of museums. We were not all that impressed with the city in general, though St. Stephen's Cathedral was pretty cool. We took today as an opportunity to get some extra sleep. Ashley and Taylor are taking a nap while I (Michael) write this. We're going to go get some pizza
when they wake. (Apparently there's a place where we can get a whole pizza for 5 euro--7.50 dollars)!

As a side note, I uploaded pictures (and a couple videos) to the blog posts up to this point. This is only possible when a hostel provides us with a computer. So, feel free to look at the previous blog posts which will be the same except for some added pictures with captions. By the way, all our pictures are being uploaded to a website known as dropbox. Even if you don't want to see the pictures, dropbox is an amazing program that's should sign up anyway! You can do so and access all these pictures by doing the following:
1. Follow this link to sign up for dropbox:
2. Email us at to tell us you've signed up for dropbox and you want to have access to our picture folder. (Be sure to let us know what email address you used to sign up for dropbox.)
3. We'll start the process for allowing you access to that folder. We'll reply to your email letting you know that we've allowed you access. Then, you just sign in to dropbox and follow their instructions for accessing that folder.

I included this video on the blog so you can see what we do while riding the train, which is a fairly common occurence for us. The following video is a typical train ride for us. Watch the video, and I'll explain what I mean below...

This is a typical train ride in that we're passing beautiful scenery while Ashley films it all, Michael plans for the next destination, and Taylor.....sleeps!

1 comment:

  1. So...sorry to be the one to tell you, but that's what breakfast is in Europe. If you're lucky they upgrade it and give you a croissant.


    P.S. Heidi thinks you're an evil genius for your dropbox link :P
