Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3 - Salzburg, Austria

Today we toured Salzburg.We started the day by going to Untersberg mountain. which is over a mile high. You can take a cable car to the top where you're rewarded with an amazing view! After that we stopped at Helbrunn Palace which can be seen in The Sound of Music. Here they have trick fountains that get you wet when you walk in the wrong places. They were created hundreds of years ago and, as a result, are completely gravity-fed. After this we toured the rest of Salzburg including it's highlight--the Hohensalzburg Fortress. We ended the day a little early since we had walked very far. At night we watched the Sound of Music at our hostel (as it was filmed in the area, virtually every hostel shows the movie every night).

Some of the beautiful scenery from Untersburg Mountain near Salzburg...

 These were what the trick fountains were like. They were operated by an on/off lever pulled by our guide. There's not a single pump on the property. This is all gravity fed.

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