Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2 - Munich, Germany

Well, on day 1, we just flew into Germany in the late afternoon. So, we didn't really get a chance to see Munich. Today we took a free walking tour (based on the principle that if its free you'll bring a lot of people, and if it's good, they'll tip well) of Munich. It was interesting to see the city where Hitler and the Nazi party are said to have gained influence.

After that, we took the train to Salzburg, Austria. The train was wonderful. Since it was only a little bit more, we paid to have first class tickets throughout our trip. As 1st class passengers, we got little juice boxes and a cookie. There's a funny picture with Big Mike holding a tiny little juice box which we'll add to this post when we can.

Other than that, all we have to say is you'll never know how annoying it is to type a post like this on a keyboard where they switch the location of the z's and y's!!! You never realize how many y's you type until they do that!!! Until tomorrow...
 The funny picture of Mike with his juicebox, as promised...

 Mike, Ashley, and Taylor eating in the oldest restaurant in the world, in Salzburg, Austria!

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