Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 17 - Italy to France

We left Rome at about 6:15 am today and headed for Pisa. We had already been to Pisa once, but our pictures of that visit were lost forever (see previous posts). We really wanted pictures with the leaning tower, so we just went back (the blessing of having train passes). After about a 45 minute stop in Pisa to grab a few pictures we hopped on another train for Nice, France. We were kind of rushing for this train and found out only afterward that the train required reservations. But, it was too late to get off and reserve seats. (Most trains you can just sit wherever, but some in Italy you have to reserve actual seats.) So, we just decided to ride it out (no pun intended) and hope that no one took our seats. The Lord was really looking out for us, because we must have stopped at twenty different stations over the course of 2:30 hours and no one ever asked us to move because we were in their seat! Every other seat in that car ended up being filled except the three we chose to sit in! Ashley and Taylor were pretty much freaking out the entire time because they didn't want to be told to move by someone. In the end, we made it to Nice, France where we plan on going to the beach tomorrow!

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