Monday, May 16, 2011

Israel - Day 7

Today we went all around Jerusalem. We started the day at the Mt. of Olives looking back toward Jerusalem. We read the account of the ascension as well as the raising of Lazarus. After that we stopped by the Ben Gurion museum where they [somewhat recently] found the oldest piece of Scripture known to man. It is called the Priestly Blessing (“The Lord bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you…”). They found this in a grave in the form of a scroll that was attached to a necklace a girl would have worn. It dates back to the 8th century BC.

After that we went to an overlook for the city of Bethlehem and the Herodian (Herod’s palace/burial place). We were scheduled to go to these sites but the recent tension in this area precluded it since they are in the West Bank.

After this we went to Beth Shemesh where we found tombs from the time of David/Solomon and read the account of Samson who did not live very far from there. It was neat to read the account in the Bible and look out across the fields/mountains and envision it right where it happened.

Tonight is our last night in Jerusalem. We visit the Shephelah (lowlands between the middle of the country and the coast) in the next few days. Hopefully tomorrow we will get to swim in the Mediterranean. Tomorrow night we stay at Beersheba and the next night Eliat (by the Red Sea).

One of the tombs at Beth Shemesh from the time of David/Solomon.

One of the stones used to build the Temple Mount right before the time of Christ. You can only see about half this stone (the one with all the holes burroughed in it). It weighs 570 TONS!!!!!

Ashley and Mike sharing a Shwarma--the main staple.

Some of the members of our group lying in an old tomb who's roof caved in--the one where they found the Priestly Blessing.

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