Sunday, July 10, 2011

Days 24-35 - Lots of places

Sorry we haven´t been keeping up on this. We have been many places in the last two weeks and have been going non-stop the whole time. Michael is the one who normally keeps up on the blog and he was driving around in the UK and Ireland and was just too tired to do this once we got home at night. So, since two other couples have been with us the past two weeks, we´re going to direct you to one of their blogs. Cody and Jenny Anderson have been blogging and have been with us the whole time these past two weeks. If you want to know what we´ve been up to, you can check out their blog at We´ll try to keep up on the blog from now on. Right now we´re in Pamplona, Spain where we watched ¨The Running of the Bulls¨this morning and Mike watched a bullfight tonight. Tomorrow we go to Zaragoza (a somewhat central city in Spain) from where we will be taking short day trips to places like Madrid and Barcelona.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't run with the bulls? This is very disappointing.
